Thursday 12 January 2017

DIY Gift Wraps

I love well designed gift wraps. Once I started experimenting with color combinations, I thought why not make a galaxy themed wrapping paper?
I am a space geek: not the "Aurora Borealis occurs from December to February" type but the "look how pretty!" type. So I decided to unearth from my cupboard, a watercolor set, few brushes, white markers and plain wrapping paper. I blended these with my love for spatial ambiguity, and this came out as a result. Its all the more satisfying when your friend likes the wrapper more than whatever is inside it. I like the idea of putting down my own version of the unknown. All you have to do is keep experimenting with colors because google told me the universe has galaxies in every color possible.

Polka dots is a classic risk-free design that can be applied to anything - Gift wraps, bags, shoes, dresses and more. Moreover, ITS SO EASY. So below is a polka dot gift wrapper with small quilled roses on top. Ah! Design makes me so happy!